Sunday, December 25, 2011

Charlie's First Chistmas!

It was Charlie's first Christmas.
We spent Christmas Eve with Aunt Heather, and ate delicious Chinese food, and watched some holiday movies.
Charlie gave his parents the best gift of all....
he started to smile this week.
Santa came with lots of sweets and books.
The count down has began for our trip to Utah, where we will be blessing little Charlie and visiting with lots of family.

Some cute smiles and yawn!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

4 Weeks Old

So we just got back from our 4 week well visit... and boy has he grown.
He has gained 2lb's in 2 weeks.
9lb 4oz
Went from being in the 15 percentile for weight to the 30 percentile.
He loves his swing, not so much his crib.
He is a very good eater
Loves to cuddle with daddy.... cause he is a total pushover.

Looking outside the bedroom window.

The closest picture i have been able to take of him smiling.. . I am a second too late.

Getting made in the floor gym... he normally lasts 5 min., depending on his mood.

Helping with the laundry at the laundry mat....
he did a great job sleeping the whole time.... along with a Costco run.