Tuesday, September 18, 2012


We had a lot of interesting first recently....

Helping daddy get ready for his first day of work.

First day of day care. He crawled in and didn't look back. I left in tears. 

He will be going just twice a week while I continue working at JCrew.

First goose egg.

First NEW car. :)

10 Month Charlie

Happy boy enjoying his cauliflower.
Climbed up to see the fountain at Patterson Park, Baltimore MD.

Loving his new toy

Wearing daddy's sun glass while waiting at the Apple store.

Since the move we were late with his 9 month check up, so it was a couple of day before he was 10 month. 

He measured 24lbs 1 oz, and 31.5 in tall.
 He is wearing a mix between 12-18, and 18-24 clothes. 
Walks while holding on to furniture.
 Has said mama.
Great sleeper.
Eats everything we give him.
Has 8 teeth.
Looks more and more like daddy everyday.